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Data Methodology
The not-so-secret sources behind the data
63 articles
Lightcast Data: Basic Overview
What's the complete list of sources Lightcast uses?
What's the Complete List of Sources Lightcast Uses in US data?
What's the Complete List of Sources Lightcast uses in UK data?
Industry and Occupation Diversity Methodology
City MethodologyThis article is an overview of the city level data added to the Analyst & Developer platforms.
Release Notes
All the details on datasets, live taxonomies, and methodology changes across Analyst
US Data Release NotesThis page contains release notes for each of Lightcast's quarterly US dataruns.
US Taxonomy & Dataset Charts
UK Data Release Notes
UK Taxonomy & Dataset Chart
Canada Data Release Notes
Canada Taxonomy & Dataset ChartsAll the public data sets, sources, and taxonomies for Canadian data
Global Data Release NotesThis page contains release notes for each of Lightcast's Global dataruns.
Available Countries in GlobalA table breakdown of all countries available in the Global dataset
Labor Market Information (LMI)
Deeper details on Lightcast's datasets from public data sources
Labor Force Participation Rate
Census Tract Methodology
Hires Methodology
Occupation Employment Process
Industry Projections Methodology
Understanding Shift Share
Job Openings Data
Compensation Model Documentation
Input-Output Model Documentation (I-O)
Place of Residence Data
ZIP-Level Employment Data
Lightcast OES Time Series Data Overview
Lightcast's Gross Regional Product (GRP) Methodology
Details on Lightcast job postings sources and methodology
Job Posting Analytics (JPA) Methodology
Company & Industry Classification Methodology
Lightcast Occupations Taxonomy (LOT) Classification MethodologyThe LOT classifier - How it works
Job Titles classificationLightcast Job Titles classification - How it works.
Expected Posting Count Changes - UK 2025
Details on Profiles sources and methdology
Profiles Methodology
Gain and Drain Methodology
USA Pseudonymised Profiles: Estimated Wages
Changes to Occupations classification in US Profiles
Information about the Taxonomies that Lightcast encodes data to.
Lightcast NAICS
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)The international taxonomy of qualification levels
CIPS, SOCs, and their Relationship
Lightcast Job TitlesLightcast maintains an extensive library of over 75,000 job titles. Raw titles are standardized to these titles.
What are the Definitions of IPEDS' Award and Degree Levels?
Lightcast Skills TaxonomyLightcast Skills is a comprehensive taxonomy of skills collected from job postings, resumes, and online profiles.
Additional Data Sets
Data from third-party providers and partners included across the platform
Business Data from DatabaseUSA
Lightcast Data Models
Details on models applied to Lightcast datasets
What are Lightcast Skill Projections
Defining, distinguishing, and necessary skillsAll you need to know about DDN