Information about the Taxonomies that Lightcast encodes data to.
14 articles
Lightcast NAICS
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)The international taxonomy of qualification levels
CIPS, SOCs, and their Relationship
Lightcast Job TitlesLightcast maintains an extensive library of over 75,000 job titles. Raw titles are standardized to these titles.
What are the Definitions of IPEDS' Award and Degree Levels?
Lightcast SkillsLightcast Skills is a comprehensive taxonomy skills collected from job postings, resumes, and online profiles.
Occupation Taxonomies
All the details about occupation taxonomies across Lightcast data
Lightcast Occupation Taxonomy (LOT)Lightcast's bespoke, in-house occupation taxonomy - Granular, specific and global.
US Standard Occupation Classification (SOC)National occupation taxonomy of the United States
Lightcast SOC
UK Standard Occupational Classification (UKSOC) - 2020SOC is the national occupation taxonomy of the UK
Canada National Occupation Classification (NOC) - 2016NOC 2016 was the national occupation taxonomy of Canada, replaced by NOC 2021.
ISCO / ESCO - International / European Standard Classification of OccupationsISCO is an international taxonomy of occupations. ESCO is an EU specific extension of this taxonomy.
Updates to Canada NOC coding in job postingsThe way that Lightcast encodes job postings to NOC occupation categories in Canada is changing.
US O*NET-SOC Occupation taxonomy (O*NET)The national occupation taxonomy of the United States.