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Changes to Occupations classification in US Profiles
Changes to Occupations classification in US Profiles
Updated this week


What is changing?

Lightcast is aligning occupation classification of profiles data for US.

When will this change take place?

Lightcast is anticipating two sets of changes:

  • March 14, SOC and O*NET will be classified via LOTv6.

  • April 11, LOT will change to our newest version of LOTv7. This version will then classify the subsequent SOC and O*NET.


What will this change mean for me?

  • On March 14 you will see improved classifications and more profiles coded to any given occupation.

  • On April 11 the change that is anticipated is outlined here and here.

What does this mean for my analysis?

We recommend that users that filter profiles via O*NET or SOC occupations rerun analysis in line with the updated classifications.

Technical Notes

Why are you changing the profile occupation coding?

  • We are making the change on March 14 to SOC and O*NET in response to customer feedback. Specifically customers wishing to see alignment in coding across profiles in LOT and O*NET / SOC.

  • We are making the change on April 11 in line with our improved classification of occupations.

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