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Worker Supply and Job Demand

A Guide to the Supply & Demand Regional Scan report in Developer

Updated over a week ago

This report will help you understand the worker supply and job demand for the occupation occupations in your region.

To start, login to Developer and open the Supply & Demand Regional Scan report.

Note: Diversity Insights is limited to clients in the United States who have registered for beta access. If you are interested in gaining access, please reach out to your success manager.

Enter your region (Nation, State, or MSA) and select Run. Before we go into the report details, we want to give you some context about the supply and demand ratio.

Supply & Demand Worksheet

We've created a worksheet that you can use along with the report. Click here for the Google Sheets version and here for the Excel version.

Understanding The Supply and Demand Ratio

The supply and demand (S/D) ratio gives you a single number you understand the level of balance of workers and jobs for each occupation group with a color-coded number and icon. The Actions to Consider link How-to Guides that show you the steps for each action.






0.91 - 1.20

Well balanced worker supply and job demand


Stable with excess workers or undersupply of jobs

1.21 - 1.49

These occupation groups are slightly unbalanced with more worker supply than the job demand can meet.

Stable with excess jobs or undersupply of workers

0.60 - 0.90

These occupation groups are slightly unbalanced with more job supply than the worker demand can meet.

Unbalanced, too many workers or undersupply of jobs

1.5 or higher

An oversupply of workers without enough jobs making the market oversaturated and competitive.

Unbalanced, too many jobs, or undersupply of workers

0.59 or lower

An oversupply of jobs without enough workers making the market undersaturated and competitive.

Supply Demand Occupation Explorer

The first chart shows occupation groups plotted by the supply and demand ratio on the x axis, and the wage (dollars per hour) on the y axis. This means that orange bubbles on the right side of the graph show occupation groups with an oversupply of workers. And, the red bubbles on the left side of the graph show occupation groups with an undersupply of workers.

NOTE: Data accuracy is limited in some occupations. It is not uncommon to see outliers for “Farming, Fishing, and Forestry” or “Construction and Extraction Occupations.” Please exercise caution when leveraging outlier data.

Below the chart, you'll see a table listing each of the occupation groups with additional details.

The percent change column indicates the rate of change between the number of jobs in that occupation group in 2021 and 2023. A negative number in this column would indicate a shrinking occupation, whereas a positive number indicates growth.

Next, you'll see the average wage data and the ratio for the supply and demand (S/D) that we mentioned above. A perfectly balanced ratio is 1.0-1.2.

Last, we provide the number of unique job postings and profiles that were considered in the model for the S/D ratio.

The More button at the bottom expands the table to show more occupation groups. If you click on the name of an occupation group, you'll be taken to the Occupation Overview report for additional details. {add link}

It can be helpful to capture the key occupations in a worksheet. We've created this sheet to help you focus on the occupations that matter most in your region.

Actions to Consider

Note: These actions may take a considerable amount of time and analysis. If at any point you need help, please reach out to your Account Manager via the chat.

If you'd like to have our team of experts complete the analysis and provide specific recommendations, reach them by submitting your information in this form.


  • Review the occupation group S/D ratio from previous years with the End Year field on the left side of the report. Is the ratio getting better or worse? Record the ratios in the worksheet to save them future reference.

  • Run the report for a different geographical area. If you started with an MSA, switch to the state level. How does the ratio at the MSA level compare to the state or nation?

Transitions to occupations with more worker demand

(from occupations with orange and light green s/d ratios to occupations with red or yellow s/d ratios)

  1. Select the occupation group title in the table below the S/D chart with a red icon. This will take you to the Occupation Overview where you can see more granular information.

    1. Is the occupation group growing or shrinking?

    2. How big is the worker surplus or shortage?

  2. Scroll down to the occupation table. Identify the occupations with the greatest oversupply of workers (orange icon) record them in the worksheet on the tab titled "2. Occ with Oversupply of Workers."

    1. Write down the occupations from this group with the greatest worker demand (red icon) in the worksheet on the tab titled "4. Occ with Oversupply of Jobs."

  3. Evaluate talent transitions with the Equity Pathways report. Your region should automatically populate, if not enter it in. Enter an occupation with job demand (orange) as the Focus Occupation. This is the occupation you want to move workers out of. Enter an occupation with a worker undersupply (red) in the Comparison Occupation field on the left side of the report. This is the occupation you want to move the workers to.

    1. Evaluate the impact on diversity and compensation.

      1. Is the diversity impact positive or negative?

      2. Is the wage difference beneficial for the workers? Note: the salary number is the median advertised salary so wages may be higher or lower depending on the transition.

    2. Identify the occupation shortage in the third section of the top. This number is the ideal number of workers that you’d need to transition to the Comparison Occupation to make it balanced.

      1. If the demand is declining, you may want to transition fewer individuals than this number.

      2. If the demand is growing, you may want to transition more individuals than this number to keep up with the growing demand.

Consider re-skilling or upskilling programs to move workers to high demand occupations

  1. Open the Equity Pathways report in Developer.

  2. Follow the guide for comparing two occupations focusing on the skills needed in a program to transition individuals from the Focus Occupation to the Comparison Occupation.

  3. Review the Education Pipeline to find institutions providing training for the occupation.

Consider attracting or expanding businesses with a need for this workforce to create more jobs

  1. Open the Business Recruitment report in Developer. Enter the industry and service area (or region.) This will give you a list of regions with specific businesses to target for relocation.

    1. Run and Impact Scenario report to view the economic impact of bringing specific industry jobs to your region

      Optional: Understand your regional strengths with the Industry Cluster Identification report in Developer. How do the occupations with the largest workforce gaps rank for your region? How does this contribute to your strategy?

Review potential talent attraction to bring more workers to your region

  1. Open the Talent Attraction report in Developer. Enter the job title or occupation and put your region in the TO field. This will give you a list of the top regions you can target to recruit workers to your region. Note: Not all clients have this report included in their subscription. If you do not see this report, contact your Account Manager.

Bonus: Review how your region compares with the Lightcast Talent Attraction Scorecard

Consider expanding the education pipeline to train more workers

  1. Open the Education Pipeline report in Developer. Enter the occupation(s), and region. You can change the completion year if you want to track a wider range of year over year completions.

  2. Click a program name to view the Program Snapshot which includes details about the institutions providing training.

Review graduate retention for the primary programs to ensure you are keeping the needed workers

Option 1: Open the Profile Analytics report in Developer. Don't enter your region the first field, but change the radio button under "Select a School" to Schools in Region. This will give you a view of all the graduates from your schools. Then enter the primary programs if you want to see the graduates who are qualified for a specific occupation.

If I run an example for the Atlanta MSA focused on Computer Software and Media Application Programs with the Occupation of Software Developers, I see the following details.

This means that of the graduates from the Atlanta MSA who are working in Software Development, only 28.84% have stayed in the city.

Option 2: Our consulting team can create a custom Talent Migration Dashboard for your region if you like more specialized insights.

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