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How Do I Cite Lightcast Data?
How Do I Cite Lightcast Data?
Updated over 9 months ago

When referencing Lightcast, please follow these guidelines and note the correct company name is “Lightcast.” See below for some examples:

  • according to Lightcast

  • according to Lightcast, a labor market analytics company

  • according to Lightcast Senior Economist, John Smith

  • Data source: Lightcast

General citation guidelines:

General use of graphics or citations to data directly pulled from Lightcast products should have “Copyright 2024 Lightcast,” or “© 2024 Lightcast”

Citation verbiage should say "powered by Lightcast" (or "powered by Lightcast data") in proximity to internal or external graphs, portals, or iFrames generated using Lightcast data. (e.g., presentation decks, data dashboards or graphs, in-product data displays, etc.).

In all cases, attribute Lightcast only. Do not attribute the specific product-name the data is pulled from: e.g. “Analyst”, “Alumni Pathways”, etc.

In all cases where Lightcast is cited in an electronic format, the citation should hyperlink to

Always ensure legibility and a clear distinction between your products, other data sources, and Lightcast data.

How do I cite Lightcast in a research report?

Where there is no named Lightcast author, use Lightcast.


Lightcast (2024), “Title” [URL]

With Lightcast authors: Smith, John; Smith, Jane; “Title,” (2024), Lightcast [URL]

MLA Style:

  • “Report Name”. Lightcast. Month of report. Year of report.

  • E.g., “Report Name.” Lightcast. May. 2024.

APA Style:

  • (Year, Month). Report Name. Retrieved from Lightcast.

  • E.g., (2024, May). Report Name. Retrieved from Lightcast.

Chicago Style:

  • Author, Article name, Database name, Date published, URL

  • E.g., John Smith, Article Name, Lightcast, May 2024,

How do I cite Lightcast in press and media?

For data displayed:

Lightcast [URL:], Date data was retrieved

  • E.g. Lightcast, 2024

For in line data and/or quote attribution.

According to Lightcast [URL:], a labor market analytics company

How do I cite Lightcast predating a rebrand/merger?

Lightcast changed from the name Emsi Burning Glass, a merger of Emsi and Burning Glass Technologies, in 2022.

Lightcast is our preferred citation in all circumstances, predating the rebrand or mergers.

  • For example, if a client uses Analyst to pull data from 2018-2024, the citation should be Lightcast even though the data includes years before the brand or was collected before the merger of Emsi and Burning Glass Technologies.

  • A data series that covers a pre-merger, pre-brand period would also be branded Lightcast, because it would most likely be pulled from a current Lightcast product (e.g., an analysis pulled from Analyst covering 2017-19 would be cited as Lightcast).

The exceptions would involve data or research published before the rebrand that have not been updated or rebranded. In these cases, use the company name branded on the report (Emsi, Burning Glass Technologies, or Emsi Burning Glass), but include a callback to Lightcast if reasonable.

For example: “According to Rural’s Rise, a research report from Emsi Burning Glass (now Lightcast), salaries of jobs growing in rural areas are on average 20% higher than all jobs in those areas.”


For any additional questions related to citing Lightcast, please reach out to your account manager or [email protected].

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