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Nested Posting Table

View Posting Data by Two Different Dimensions

Updated over a week ago

The Nested Posting Table report offers a powerful way to explore and analyze job posting data by two different facets, or dimensions. Whether you're a labor market researcher, business service planner, or an employer evaluating workforce opportunities, this tool saves time and effort by consolidating key insights into a single, interactive table.

Key Use Cases

  • Top Occupations by Industry: View the top occupations within each of the the top (NAICS) industries of given region.

  • Most Common Skills for the Top Occupations: Create a table of the most common job posting skills for the top job titles.

  • Local Insights: Find the top employers within each county or city of your region.

  • Most Posted Occupations for the Top Companies: Easily identify the most posted occupations for each of the top companies.

Note: The top results are determined by the number of unique postings. Keep in mind that the results are constrained for occupations with limited digital posting data.

How to Use the Nested Table

1. Access the Report: Navigate to the Nested Posting Table report.

2. Apply Filters: Select the region and timeframe filters desired. Select the Primary Facet, this is how the data will be grouped, and then select Secondary Facet, this is the details for each group.

  • For example: If I'm looking for the most posted job titles and I want to know the top companies hiring for them, I would select job title as the primary facet, and companies as the secondary facet.

  • You can select how many of each facet you want to include; 5, 10, or 15

3. Select Run: The report will generate a table breaking down job postings across your selected criteria.

Note: This report displays newly posted data, not active postings.

4. View Results: The report will generate a table displaying the count of job postings across your selected criteria. As always, the filters on the left-hand side can be updated to change the report.

5. Analyze Data: You can expand each grouped row individually, or select the Expand All option in the top right side of the report next to Save and Export.


Q: Can you customize the report format?

  • A: Not at this time, but you can export the data in an Excel or CSV format.

Q: How are the top occupations determined?

  • A: They are ranked based on job posting data filtered by your selected criteria (industry, region, etc.)

Q: Will additional facets be added?

  • A: We don’t have any current plans to add specific facets. Please share any client requests for this to the product team.

Q: Will additional data columns be added?

  • A: We purposely started with a focused set of information, posting counts, so we grow this report with intention based on user needs. We are happy to take customer feedback into consideration for how to expand the functionality of this report.

Q: Why aren’t the “totals” the same as the sum of the parts?

  • A: The “totals” row for the primary facet will not be equal to the sum of the visible secondary facets. There are two reasons for this:

    • Total is higher than sum: The sum is based on the entire facet, rather than simply a sum of those that are displayed on screen. For example: view the top-10 occupations by state. The total postings in each state is higher than the sum of the top-10 occupations.

  • Total is lower than sum: With job postings, not all variables are 1:1 with postings. For example: view the top-10 skills by occupation. Since Registered Nurse postings call for multiple skills, the sum of the skills will be more than the total posting count.

Support & Feedback

If you encounter issues or have feedback, contact our support team. We value your input and can't wait to hear what you think about this new report.

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