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How to Tailor the CIP-to-Occupation Mapping
How to Tailor the CIP-to-Occupation Mapping
Updated over a week ago


This article describes updating the CIP-to-SOC mapping, which refers specifically to the US SOC taxonomy.

Note: For Canada Analyst, the same process will work for updating the CIP-to-NOC mapping.


There are two main ways for users to tailor the CIP-to-SOC mapping:

    1. Program Overview report: Run a Program Overview report on a selected CIP code (most detailed digit level only), scrolling to the Target Occupations packet, and clicking the blue Jump to Program to Occupation Mapping link:

      This opens a lightbox that allows the user to add or remove occupations from the mapping for the CIP code:

      Changes made to the mapping in this report will carry over to all other reports until the user changes the mapping again. Changes also persist across sessions. Clicking the "Restore Default Occupations" option in the lightbox will return the mapping to its original state.

    2. Program to Occupation Mapping report: go to the Groups button in the main menu and select Program to Occupation Mapping.

      On the next screen, you can see your current program-to-occupation mapping, including whether or not you’re using default or custom mappings for each program. To edit a program’s mappings, click the green edit button on the right, and then add or remove occupations as needed. Once you save your changes, the Mapping Settings will update to “Custom.” Note that you can restore the defaults at any time from the edit menu.

      The dropdown menu in the upper left hand corner lists each Analyst user at your institution. By default, your own name is listed there, indicating that you are viewing your own mappings.

      But now, you can select any other registered user at your organization to adopt their mappings instead. Doing so presents you with two options:

      1. Subscribe – This option allows you to “lock on” to another user’s mappings so that any changes they make in the future are automatically reflected in your account as well. You might select this option if there is a lead researcher who bears primary responsibility for program-to-occupation mapping decisions at your institution, and you want everyone else to follow their lead.

      2. Overwrite – This option allows you to copy a one-time snapshot of another user’s current mappings and adopt them as your own. From there, you are free to do further customization or revert to defaults. Any changes the other user makes in the future will NOT automatically carry over to your account. This option is helpful if you’ve brought someone new on board and you want to quickly bring them up to speed on your current customized mappings, but still have the flexibility to make their own changes going forward.

      For a complete walkthrough of these new tools and how to use them, check out the following video from product manager Matthew Hyndman:

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